Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mousenet lives!

Hi everybody -this is my first post as Mousenet makes its stately way towards publication on November 8th. It'll be just in time (given this viciously hot summer) because in addition to their other skills, mice know how to fix climate change.

That guy on the cover is Trey, otherwise known as Talking Mouse Three, one of a handful of mice who have been trained to talk since mice evolved. (All other mice are stuck with e-mail or Mouse Sign Language). Their problem: it's hard using human computers, which is where ten-year-old Megan comes in because she helped her uncle invent the Thumbtop, the smallest computer in the world.  Read all about it!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Prue! Looking forward to reading all about the adventures of Trey & Co. And getting the book for all the young readers I know. Onward & Upward! -Sandy
